Thursday, May 6, 2010

What Knowledge Have You Connected With Past Knowledge

Since the midterm, we have learned about Thermodynamics, Carbohydrates, Glycolysis/ Storage Mechanisms, Citric Acid Cycle, Electron Transport Chain, Oxidative Phosphorylation and Lipid Metabolism. I have done a little bit of Thermodynamics in General Chemistry, so it was good to get a refresher on the theories and to see the math, even though we didn't use it in this course. The process of Glycolysis was a topic that we went over in GREAT detail in my General Microbiology course; we had to know every single part of the pathway, including all of the compounds, what was being removed/added, etc... Although, that was based all on bacterial Glycolysis, it was good to go over the eukaryotic aspect and see where the differences are with this. I felt as if this gave me a good view of how everything really works with energy and storage in the body/mitochondria and how exactly we get our energy (ATP or GTP). I felt as if the second half of this semester was very interesting and I learned some information that I did not know a lot about, such as the Lipid Metabolism and more about Oxidative Phosphorylation.


  1. I found this blog interesting because I also chose to comment on the glycolysis cycle as piece of information I built upon. I chose to speak about it from an A&P background as I am yet to take microbiology. It is exciting to know I will be learning the glycolysis cycle from a different perspective this summer.

  2. Yeah it is crazy in Micro but it is cool to learn at the same time. Have fun with it!
